Clean energy: Five tips from ‘green’ parents

In a world where environmental concerns are becoming increasingly urgent, many parents are stepping up to be effective. These “clean energy parents” are finding practical and impactful ways to live more sustainably, setting a powerful example for their children. In this article, we will explore five practical tips from these eco-conscious families. These strategies can […]
We asked our consultants: ‘What is the one valuable lesson you learned from your parents?’

Every expert in the energy field starts as a curious child, their minds shaped not just by formal education but by the wisdom of those who raised them. As we celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in the past two months, we are reminded how the valuable lesson from our parents influence us. How can […]
How do energy professionals balance career and parenthood?

Balancing a busy job in the energy industry with being a good parent can be really tough, especially when you often have to work far away from home. As we celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day in these two months, it’s a great time to explore how to handle both of these big responsibilities. We’ve talked […]