Well engineers: what they do and how to become one

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Well engineers: what they do and how to become one

What does a well engineer do?

oil well seen from below

A Well Engineer is responsible for designing, planning, and executing drilling operations for oil and gas wells. They work closely with other engineers and technical professionals to ensure that drilling operations are safe, efficient, and cost-effective. To put it easier, the well engineer is like a car mechanic but for wells. Therefore, they are also responsible for their maintenance and well-functioning.

Well engineer salary and benefits

Earnings for a well engineer can vary significantly, influenced by their professional background, the geographical area they work in, and the specific branch of the energy industry they’re involved with.

In North America, for example, you can expect salaries from $100,000 to $200,000 per year. In Europe, your income will decrease to €60,000-€100,000 per year. For those looking to work in the Middle East, salaries go from SAR 200,000 to 400,000 per year ($53,000-$106,000). Finally, in Asia-Pacific: Varies by country but can range from $70,000-$150,000 per year.

As a Well engineer, one enjoys a range of benefits, including a competitive salary reflecting the specialized skills required in the energy sector. This role offers substantial career advancement opportunities, from technical expertise to management roles. The job entails challenging and intellectually stimulating work, essential for those who thrive on solving complex problems.

Well engineers have the opportunity to work globally, exposing them to diverse cultures and environments. They play a pivotal role in energy production, contributing significantly to the industry and economy. Continuous learning and skill development are integral, encompassing technical, analytical, and project management skills. The ongoing demand of energy reinforces the job security. Moreover, the role involves engaging with cutting-edge technologies and methods, providing a dynamic work environment and personal satisfaction from overcoming engineering challenges and impacting energy production.

Well engineer skills and requirements

Because well engineering involves engineering skills, you will need to have an appropriate background for the role. From a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering, mechanical engineering or related fields to strong technical skills, including knowledge of drilling equipment, procedures and safety protocols.

Being proactive and an excellent communicator is also an important trait as you will be in contact with people with different backgrounds and different specialties while working closely with other engineers, technical professionals, and stakeholders.

For higher-up positions, relevant work experience in the energy industry, such as working as a drilling engineer or technician is a plus, as well as certifications in relevant areas, such as Well Control Certification and HSE training.

In addition to these qualifications, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices by attending conferences, workshops, and training sessions. Familiarity with various intervention techniques, tools and industry-specific equipment is also beneficial.

Responsibilities of a well engineer

well engineer checking dashboard in front of a well lit oil well

We mentioned it before, Well Engineers work at all stages in a project, and that is translated in their responsibilities. Some of them include but are not limited to designing and planning drilling programs for oil and gas wells. You would also be responsible for selecting and specifying drilling equipment, such as drilling rigs and drill bits and developing drilling procedures and programs to ensure that drilling operations are safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

You will be in charge of providing technical support to drilling operations, including troubleshooting and problem-solving. As well as interacting with management by monitoring drilling progress and providing regular updates to management and stakeholders. Another task is managing contractors and vendors involved in drilling operation. Finally, on the safety side, ensuring compliance with regulations and standards related to drilling operations. Surely very demanding work but fulfilling when you see the results of your hard work. 

Challenges that well engineers face

A challenge for well engineers can be the need for constant actualization due to the technological advancements. The failure of doing so can affect your ‘trainability’ which is an aspect Oil and Gas companies value greatly. Additionally, expect to be in constant ‘alert mode’ as you will most likely face various challenges throughout the drilling process. Problem-solving skills are essential for optimizing well performance and addressing unexpected issues that may arise.

well engineers putting lots of strength to make an oil well work correctly

Career progression and growth opportunities

The career path of a Well Engineer typically begins with an entry-level position. Here they learn the fundamentals of well design and drilling operations. As they gain experience, they progress to a senior role, taking on complex projects and leading teams. Further advancement leads to roles such as Lead or Principal Well Engineer, where they become subject matter experts and mentor junior staff. Opportunities then expand to project and operations management, involving oversight of large-scale operations and strategic decision-making. 

Some engineers may specialize as technical advisors, leveraging deep expertise in specific areas. Additionally, experienced Well Engineers might transition into consultancy, offering their skills to various projects, or step into executive roles within an organization. This career trajectory also opens possibilities for international work and continuous professional development.

Work environment and culture

There is a big safety culture that needs to be followed by well engineers. Engineers are responsible for implementing safety protocols, identifying and mitigating risks. You will be also maintaining environmental stewardship and ensuring a safe atmosphere among your colleagues will be a principal aspect of the job culture.

There is also the expectation of a ‘can do’ mentality from your side. Supporting colleagues, projects and ideas with your expertise is well valued. As this is not your ordinary 9-to-5 job, you can see yourself working at different times of the day and in different locations as needed. This last component will be key for allowing you to meet individuals from different cultures and backgrounds.

How to become a well engineer in the energy industry

As said before, apart from a technical undergraduate degree, your eagerness and trainability will be key for getting you to land a job as a well engineer. Be sure to be part of internship and/or graduate programs in related positions while in university.

Do not forget about the importance of soft skills. As you will be dealing with different teams, it is a must to be good in presentation, dialectic, persuasion and negotiation. Even the knowledge of a foreign language can get you places and increases the number of projects you can work on.

It’s important to note that the specific experiences of an oil well engineer can vary. Some factors are the company, location, and the stage of the well’s life cycle (drilling, completion, production, etc.).

Benefits of working as a well engineer

For the extroverted engineers out there, working closely with multidisciplinary teams that include geologists, geophysicists, drilling crews, and other professionals. You are also expected to become a great problem solver due to the many challenges you will find during the drilling process. Overall, the role offers the opportunity to contribute to the energy sector. You will also work on complex projects, and make a significant impact on the industry.


While working as a Well Engineer can be rewarding, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. The role can be physically demanding, requiring extended periods of time on drilling rigs and in remote locations. Additionally, the job can be stressful and requires long hours, especially during drilling operations. In the long run, the physical aspects of the job can end up in long-term afflictions, compromising your health

In summary, becoming a Well Engineer at an energy company requires a strong technical background in drilling operations. Experience in the energy industry, and the ability to work with other engineers and stakeholders is valued. With the right skills and qualifications, a career as a Well Engineer can be rewarding and provide opportunities for growth and advancement within the energy industry.

Current well engineer vacancies

WTS Energy is the right place to take your career as a well engineer to the next level. With opportunities for talent in reputed energy companies worldwide, be part of exciting projects powering the energy transition. Whether you are looking for a job in the Oil and Gas, Renewables, or Nuclear industry, our recruiters will take your needs to the utmost care.

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