The Onboarding Checklist You Need to Hire in 2024

employees in romania recruited through an employer of record

As an HR professional, you’ve invested lots of time in recruiting the perfect employee. But this doesn’t mean the job is done. Onboarding is crucial, going beyond mere paperwork to quickly and effectively integrate talent into your company, setting the stage for their long-term success. Therefore, we’ve developed an onboarding checklist divided into five key […]

Is Strategic Workforce Planning the Key to Solving Staffing Issues?

employees strategic workforce planning

You’re likely no stranger to the ongoing challenges of balancing your workforce needs in the dynamic energy sector. From the pressing demand for specialized skills to the unpredictability of labor markets, the energy industry is at a crossroads. According to Randstad’s latest talent scarcity report, factors such as slower migration after the pandemic, aging of […]

Why choosing an EOR specializing in the energy industry is the right choice. 

executive in a suit is walking in front of the camera with a smile, related to eor in energy

Imagine you’re working on a remote oil rig or in a high-pressure power plant. In these situations, quick decisions can mean the difference between smooth operations and serious problems. How do you manage HR and payrolling matters? Do you use an EOR for the energy industry? When something goes wrong, especially with your personnel, do […]

Essential HR conferences to attend

professionals attend HR conferences in a room

In the field of Human Resources, keeping up with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices is essential. Attending HR conferences is one of the best ways to stay informed. They offer valuable opportunities for personal development, networking, as well as insights from industry leaders. Here’s a look at why HR conferences are beneficial and […]

Why you should send your young staff to conferences and expos

Brisa Aguilar attends CMP expo

A few days ago, our Mexico team was present at one of the most important O&G events of the country, the 2024 Congreso Mexicano del Petróleo (or Mexican Petroleum Summit). Even though we are not strangers to the experience of planning, organizing and setting up our booths and visits to diverse fairs and expos, there […]

HR metrics: The metrics HR departments should track in 2024

Hr responsible working through HR metrics for her company

In 2024, as business landscapes evolve and workforce expectations shift, HR metrics become indispensable tools for strategic decision-making. This article delves into essential metrics that HR departments should track, emphasizing the importance of data in refining talent strategies and enhancing competitive agility. Focusing on key areas such as employee turnover, cost per hire, and DEI, […]

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