How spending time outdoors boosts your productivity

How can outdoor activities boost your productivity

Have you ever wondered how energy professionals relax after a long day? Outdoor activities are a simple and effective way to recharge. Spending time outdoors can reduce stress, foster creativity, and boost your productivity. In this article, our consultants share beautiful images of nature, each with its own story. Additionally, we explore how spending time […]

Turn your next dinner into a sustainable one with these tips

Make your sustainable dinner party

As spring approaches, it’s the ideal time to plan a sustainable dinner party that goes beyond the ordinary. Imagine an evening where sustainability and style combine to create a memorable experience for both you and the planet. In this article, we’ll explore the delightful atmospheres, Energy-efficient culinary creations, and eco-friendly gifts that will make your […]

Environmental professionals on their impact in the energy sector

Woman in yellow hard hat looking at a green field with white wind turbines

Earth Day is a globally event celebrated on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Ahead of this significant day, we had the opportunity to have insightful conversations with four environmental professionals. In this interview, they share insights into their responsibilities, the impact of their work on environmental sustainability, and the key environmental challenges […]

Beyond Earth Day: Exploring 4 lesser-known environmental days around the world.

Hands holding plant for Earth day

Nowadays, we’re hearing a lot about taking care of the environment. That’s why there are days established to inspire public action and promote sustainable practices. You might know about Earth Day, but there are some other environmental days that don’t get as much attention.  In this article, we’re going to talk about four of these […]

How do I change industries? Five steps to switch your career

Two men in orange safety gear looking at the ocean from an oil platform

In today’s job market, the concept of a linear career path is becoming less popular.  More professionals are exploring new industries for growth, fulfillment, and new challenges and they do that by an industry change. In this article, we’ll explore the motivations behind a change of industries, outline a five-step roadmap for a smooth transition, […]

How to get a job in the renewable energy sector?

two engineers working a job in renewables. they are at a wind farm brhind solar panels

The renewable energy industry is leading the way in innovation and growth as the world faces the urgent need to transition to sustainable energy sources. Concerns about climate change and the limited availability of traditional fossil fuels have increased the demand for renewable energy solutions, creating a number of opportunities for job seekers with a […]

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