
WTS Energy

Website WTS Energy

Expert Electrical

April 25, 2023

Job Description

For one of our clients, we are recruiting an Expert Electrical in charge to provide technical solutions and monitoring the execution of electrical equipment.



  • Checks and supervises the correct elaboration of the data base for the electrical equipment part of the client projects (proposes corrections where required)
  • Supervising the execution of planned and accidental PRAM verification and measurement works.
  • Investigates technical incidents of an electrical nature and proposes corrective measures
  • Monitors works execution and the observance of the budget;
  • Supervising the execution of planned and accidental PRAM verification and measurement works.
  • Participates in the investigation and preparation of incident reports
  • Analyses the existent equipment in the electrical substation of technological systems and proposes improvements meant to increase functional efficiency;
  • Applying the requirements of the Integrated Management System – knowledge of the documents in the system,
  • Complying with and carrying out the activities as per the provisions of SMI documents applicable to the job 
  • HSE duties: to ascertain and respect the legislation’s and internal provisions in the field of health, safety, security and environment protection at work, protection against fire and civil protection as long as their implementation measures;to use the equipment of the current and protection activity according to the technical instructions; not affect the good functioning, not alter, change or arbitrary remove the security devices in the building where he/she is working; to communicate immediately to the employer and/or assigned employees any situation on which he/she have serious reasons to consider as a danger for the security and health of the employees, as well as any malfunctioning of the protection system; to inform the line manager and/or the employer about the accidents suffered;to cooperate with the employer and/or assigned employees in order to make possible the implementation of any measures or requirements of the law or related authorities; to cooperate with the employer and/or the related authorities in order to allow a work environment and work conditions without risks for security and health;to act, according to the procedures established at the work place, in case of occurrence of any imminent fire danger or other emergency situation;to provide to assigned persons all known data and information concerning occurred work accidents and/or fires.; to attend medical health surveillance examinations at the workplace, as planned by the occupational health physician with the employer’s agreement
  • Meeting the legal and other requirements applicable for the field of environment protection, labour health and safety, protection against fire (e.g. authorizations, environment programs, emergency plans for environment, prevention and protection plans, measures as a result of the controls carried out by authorities or by authorized persons);
  • Using, maintaining and handling in a correct manner the working equipment/ means, equipment for fire protection and of labour safety and individual protection equipment;
  • Promptly informing the head on any deviation from process parameters and any situation considered by them a hazard for environment, health and safety or on any labor, environment of technical accident occurred at the working place;
  • Informing the hierarchical head on accidents suffered by a person during the working time, on the normal route towards/ from the job and accidents by a vehicle belonging to the company;
  • Not carrying out technological modifications, changes without applying the regulations in force regarding the change management;
  • Supports and takes active part in the ongoing development of the Energy Management System, maintaining refinery certification according to ISO 50001.


 :       Master diploma       
Subject of education  University degree (technical specialization) 
Relevant professional experience   ˃ 5 years   
Relevant professional skills:

  • Basic knowledge of MS Office and SAP
  • At least a medium level of English knowledge
  • Knowledge about the systems and technological processes in Refining
  • Professional competence, perseverance, pursuit of knowledge and improvement
  • Good physical and psychological health
  • Communication skills
  • Team spirit

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